

Staying away from school without leave is not permitted except when the cause is sudden illness. No leave of absence will be sanctioned nor will a pupil be allowed to go away from the school during the school hours without a prior written application for leave from his/her guardian, stating the reasons. Birthdays, Excursions, Festivals, Urgent Business, time to study for Examination etc. are not sufficient reasons for leave.

After an absence from class, pupil must bring the reasons for absence duly entered in the Absence leave Record. Medical certificates are to be furnished when leave is taken on Medical grounds.

1.Pupils must not absence themselves from the school on days prior to holidays or examinations. They must rejoin the school after holidays on the reopening day. Any breach of this rule will be considered an offence. A fine of Rs 50/- per will be day imposed if one is absent on these days.

2.A pupil who has been absent for a month without due authorization from the Principal/Headmaster will have his/her name struck off the rolls and may not be readmitted.

3.Pupils, whose unauthorized absences are above 10 percent of the actual working days of the school, may not be allowed to present themselves for the examination. They will have to complete the course to get promotion

4.Late Arrival to school is a breach of discipline.


1. For the purpose of evaluation, the school conducts chapter tests and Formative Assessments. These tests are taken into accounts for the Half Yearly and promotion exams. Absence from Chapter tests will have adverse effect on promotion.

To secure promotion one must obtain 40% of marks in all the subjects. The promotion of a child to the higher class implies that the child has successfully learned a prescribed syllabus. The student must know the subject matter to be promoted. Hence, if a student secures less than 40 percent in more than one core subject (Maths, English I & II, Science and Bengali/Hindi) he/she will not be promoted to the next class.

3. Ranks are given only to those who pass all the subjects.

4. Anyone using unfair means in the exams/tests will get zero in that subject and or will be debarred from further examinations. He/she will be declared to have failed and may even be expelled from the school.

5. On matters of promotion and detention the Principal's decision shall be final.

6. Pupils who fail in promotion Exams may be asked to leave the school as being either unwilling or unable to study. In no case however, will a student be allowed to repeat the same class for the third time.

7. A student who fails in promotion exams in the same class twice must be withdrawn/will not be allowed to study in this institution.

Due to any unforeseen circumstances, if test exams are not held on scheduled date, the same will be held on the next working day, unless otherwise notified.

8. Students suffering from any contagious disease will not be allowed to sit for exams/tests. No special room facility will be given. Re-exam/test is not held for absent student.

Affiliation Status : Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Government of India Up to Secondary Level
Affiliation No: 2030029 || School No: 35405 || Period of Affiliation: 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2024

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Website Last Updated On : June 19, 2023